Watch some of our videos showcasing some of the things we are doing to make the world a better place. And please do join forces with us to do more in any way you can.
The founder of AODI, David Izuogu visits Covenant University from Cambridge
Watch David explain to the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Deans of Schools and other principal officers of Covenant University why he is at the forefront of advancing research partnership and bringing opportunities to Africa institutions in a bid to build capacity from within Africa and train scholars who will serve as the catalyst of change for national development.
The founder of AODI, David Izuogu visits Covenant University from Cambridge:
part 1
The founder of AODI, David Izuogu visits Covenant University from Cambridge:
part 2
The founder of AODI, David Izuogu visits Covenant University from Cambridge:
part 3
Cambridge – Nigeria Outreach: Making the right research partnership and collaborations
Often times, research institutions and universities in Africa struggle to access research grants or even collaborate with leading research institutions abroad. Leading economies of the world talk about helping Africa as a continent, sending aids and what have you, but Africa of Our Dream Initiative believes that Africa doesn’t need aid, what Africa needs is the partnership at all fronts, not charities that do not allow the people to produce what they consume.
It is not enough to identify problems, we need to profer solutions to those problems and build capacity from within to solve the problems in Africa. Africa is the future, Africa is the next hot spot, and unless this capacity is built, we run the risk of cursing entire generations to come. It is on this note that the Founder of Africa of Our Dream Initiative David Chukwuma Izuogu in partnership with the University of Cambridge (Cambridge – Africa Programme) organised the Research collaboration seminar at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka with Prof. David Dunne, the director of Cambridge-Africa Initiative. If you like what we are doing to help advance research in Africa especially in STEM, then take a look at our membership section to see how you could get involved.
Cambridge – Nigeria Outreach: Making the right research partnership and collaborations
AODI Brings Cambridge Scholarship Opportunities to Nigerian Students
The Africa of Our Dream Initiative (AODI) in collaboration with Cambridge Trust, the University of Cambridge, Gates Cambridge, Cambridge-Africa Initiative and the University of Nigeria Nsukka presents the 2018 International Students Outreach, Scholarship and Research collaboration seminar at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The Outreach theme was “Taking the right steps, opportunities and partnerships with the University of Cambridge” The video below is an extract from the programme
AODI Brings Cambridge Scholarship Opportunities to Nigerian Students
The “Send the Child to Equipped School” project outreach
The founder of the Africa of Our Dream Initiative David Izuogu holds an outreach at a rural secondary school in the south-eastern part of Nigeria. This is part of the “Send the Child to Equipped School” Project currently initiated by AODI in Nigeria. Watch as he narrates his experience growing up amidst all manner of difficulties and how he found himself studying at the University of Cambridge on a fully funded scholarship even when he never imagined seeing the four walls of the university as a result of financial constraints. He also spoke to the secondary school students on various issues including the need to aspire to be the change the world needs while inspiring them through the announcement of the foundation bursary to students who are actively thinking of how to be the change the world needs at their tender age
The “Send the Child to Equipped School” project outreach
The AODI team visits a girls secondary school in a rural area, eastern Nigeria
The founder of AODI, David Izuogu visits Charles Heerey Memorial Juniorate Urualla, a girl only secondary school to see how much AODI could do to improve learning for the kids. Thank you, David, for the energy you have brought into AODI. This is part of the “Send the Child to Equipped School” project currently been championed by Africa of Our Dream Initiative
The AODI team visits a girls secondary school in rural area, eastern Nigeria
AODI team visits Comprehensive Secondary School, Akokwa to inspire the students
Most of the secondary and primary schools in rural Nigeria are often neglected by the government. Our generation has failed the children, and so there is a need to liberate these kids and guarantee them a brighter future. In the light of this, Africa of Our Dream Initiative has embarked on the “Send the Child to Equipped School” project to see how best to improve learning for these kids.
AODI team visits Comprehensive Secondary School, Akokwa to inspire the students