The world is faced with an unprecedented killer virus which has taken away several loved ones and left homes, people, nations and the entire globe scrambling for solutions amidst economic blows, uncertainties and confusion. Even the best of the best has been dealt a heavy blow.
The fight against the coronavirus is made more difficult by fake news, conspiracy theories, misinformation, lack of trust on government or due to the fear of hunger as is widespread in developing countries. As of 11:23, 4 April 2020, 212 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances have been affected by COVID-19 with a total number of confirmed cases standing at 3,582,804 and total deaths at 248,567.
The objective for setting up the Africa of Our Dream Initiative is to empower through education. As such and at this critical time, we are leveraging our core strength to educate communities and build grassroots support to help inform locals.
We are launching the “InfoCovid essay competition” which will serve to educating larger communities on topics relating Covid-19. Winners of the essay competition (20 – 50 winners in total) will receive cash prices and certificate as Covid-19 ambassadors and help in educating their communities using verified information template provided by AODI and partners. For more information visit the “InfoCovid essay competition” section.